Interesting Research Paper Topics On Depression: Expert Choice
The study of the human behavior involves a lot of investigation and a complex research to understand why or how actions affect the totality of an individual. There are some challenges along the way because the outcome or result of the study must be based not only on medical history but also on social and economic factors. To get a glimpse of some interesting research paper topics on depression, check this site.
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Here are a few recommended topics to consider:
Personality crisis as the main factor in aggravating adolescent depression
The causes of depression as a result of parental neglect
The outcome of a broken family to the life of a teenager
The role of academic stress to depression
Peer pressure and social anxiety as contributory factors to depression
The result of romantic or love problems leading to depression
A comparison of the levels of depression in adolescents and adults
The role of the individual’s traumatic experience to depression
Divorce and legal separation as factors in causing depression among children
Hereditary factors contributory to depression
Depression caused by financial or economic struggle
Depression as an outcome of physical abuse
Depression as a result of emotional abuse
The outcome of psychological abuse leading to depression
Depression as a result of physical and emotional neglect
The role of low self-esteem to depression
Depression as an outcome to feelings of different struggles and helplessness
Identifying the early signs of depression among teenage boys and girls
A study on how teenagers cope up with their problems at home
The role of the school in coping with stress among teenagers
The role of school officials and education stakeholders in solving depression
A comparison on how teenagers and adults react to the medical intervention in treating depression.
A comparison in the treatment of depression between older and younger teenagers
The government’s failure in solving economic and social problems in the community which leads to mental health problems among its constituents
The issue of mental health problems among prisoners or correctional inmates
A study on how prepared is the government to solve mental health issues like depression
An investigative study on how public and private medical institutions intervene with mental health problems in their areas of responsibility
An examination of the impact of domestic violence on women experiencing different levels of depression.
There are a lot of solutions in solving depression. Some may cope up easily with minor problems in life, but others don’t have the ability to cope up with stress easily, which leads to this unfortunate situation. The best treatment is not found in medicines, nor with doctors and experts in mental health. It is only you who can do something about it.